Destroy Evil

Destroy Evil

Texts from the book: “Return to God: Men and Women” by Vladimir Zivkovic






The history of mankind shows that people in the past weren’t allowed to have their own opinion. Actually, they could have it, but in the most of the cases weren’t allowed to express it. In that way, despotism and hegemony ruled. Those in power had the exclusive rights and control, so people had to succumb to their will.


Mainly because the conflict of beliefs often leads to real clash, and even to the armed conflicts of unprecedented levels.

Many have been fighting for freedom of thought and speech. It’s called democracy today. That’s why people have been going to the great extremes. Everyone thinks that has right to do, say, and think whatever he/she wants. Such ideology is absolutely incorrect.

The truth is what’s important, not the belief. That further implies that many beliefs are wrong and untrue.

Take prostitution, for example. One might think that prostitution pays off. However, regardless of the thought and freedom of which man has right, the more it cheats, the promiscuous person gets even more miserable. This is an indisputable truth. Many people can deny it, and many may have a different belief, however, no man can be happy by violating intimacy and dignity, which stands in fact for the grave violation of the soul.

Here we are a step closer to what I want to explain.

Freedom isn’t to think and do what you want. Freedom means to love, and have the capability of being good, and therefore doing good deeds. When a man does evil, it means that even his thoughts are evil, so his thinking isn’t correct. That still means that person who thinks incorrectly, also has all the right to keep his/her thoughts to himself/herself and not to poison other people’s minds.

Certainly, despotism is not good if it is improper ideology. In that case, you have to listen to someone who’s unjust. On the other hand, it’s very destructive to use the freedom of thought and speech to live dishonestly, and poisoning the minds and hearts of other people.

So, everyone has the right to think and do what they want. However, this is my pledge. I pledge peace, love, justice and freedom. In case someone doesn’t like that, it’s not my problem. Rightness is the mother of wisdom for man striving towards God.





Each advanced soul can find and destroy a demon.

What does that mean?

It’s just difficult until you’ve spotted the first one.

When you’ve spotted the first one, you get scared like you’ve never been before. That happens because it’s ugly, terrible and evil. You think that demon’s going to eat you.

Nevertheless, there’s no way back. You have to face it. It’s emerged from the waters and attacked you. In the beginning, the demon is stronger and fiercer than you, but while you fight, he’s growing weaker.

You destroy it completely in the end.

Enlightened by the victory, you realize a thing:

You came to win. Your destiny is to win.

Therefore, main enemies are not demons that you made and nurtured for ages. True enemies are pessimism, skepticism, and disbelief in God and in eternity.

A piece of advice:

Believe in God. If you do, believe even more. It will lead you to unfathomable heights, achieving true victories, one after another.





A girl really loved a man. And he got to love her secretly. However, his friends that were against her were the main obstacle. Thus he had no courage to admit that. On the outside, everything looked as if the girl wasn’t worth it.

On one occasion, he rejected her rudely, letting her know that she’s not worth it.

What does that mean?

His friends applauded since he turned out macho. His parents have been telling him how special and smart he was. He could brag around, because he had refused to love someone, and it turned out that he’s more ”reputable”.

The message is following:

Pride is one of the worst traits. It makes you look good among fake friends but makes your inner world have very poor and pathetic.

Being proud- that means being a dead man before the death of the body.

So you better think twice, how much pride has taken a toll on your life so far?





If love had to do with personal appearance and beauty, then mothers with ugly children wouldn’t love their offspring.

What does that mean?

If someone doesn’t know love, it can learn it from mothers.

Parents and children are linked by karma and they hurt each other very often. Though a child can be ugly, evil and sick, and mother will still love him/her. That means that present relationships between men and women are mainly based on lust and interest, not on love. Here I just want to point out that love between partners should exist and has nothing to do with looks or material state.

The man usually gets excited visually, and woman tactile. Therefore women that dress provocatively are evil and unfaithful. The man who take advantage of every chance to touch women, and meaning several different women, are unfaithful and irresponsible men.

What this men and women have in common?

It’s common that they don’t have respect for themselves, so for that reason, they don’t respect the opposite sex, so they take advantage of their position.

Which position?

They take advantage of the same position that allows them to dress provocatively, to touch and seduce someone. Therefore, I always repeat that seducing is trait related to people with complexes that don’t know love. Their success in seducing is very important to them because they have low self-esteem.

Therefore, Don Juans are never satisfied, nor happy. They exactly have evidence of being unfaithful. They know how much their victims are unfaithful. Why do I say, victims? There is no love relationship in seducing. There’s only seducer and the one that’s been misled. They are constantly taking turns in changing their roles. The victim becomes a despot and vice versa. Thus seducer never respects neither himself nor his victims. It’s because he cheats, he doesn’t love those who cheats on, because what kind of person is the one that is tricked and led into bed by seducer?

What am I explaining here?

Today, when a girl looks good, she’s noticed by the most of the men for her looks. And if such girl succumbs to temptation and has so-called ”boyfriends”, there’s growing contempt inside over the time, and results in her inability to surrender to love.

There’s no wonder that modern girls dress up so scarcely and seductive. Such attire is the consequence of girls’ unconscious revenge. Most girls deliberately provoke lust in men, unconsciously, or out of revenge, because they’re not respected as human beings, but as hunks of good meat. A naive modern man thinks that they’re doing their best for him. Such man is not realizing that provocative dressing is often the outcome of subconscious contempt that woman carries inside in the same manner as lack of self-worth and self-respect.

A woman in love hides her charms only for her man i.e. spouse, because she knows intimacy, loyalty, and trust, and knows its values.

I’m not accusing women in this presentation. It might be even said that I defend them. Nowadays hardly any man could understand the misfortune of the woman that wants to love and be loved, but she only comes across the men who want to sexually abuse her, while they shamelessly lie how much they love and respect her. However, the real truth is usually that even if she was ugly, that man wouldn’t just dislike her, but he would also be disgusted by her.

Thus happens that contemporary women have to make effort to seduce men. They hadn’t been left any other choice.

Poor men are in the similar position, which, if they are noticed for their physical appearance when women see that they are poor, they turn bad. What a pity!

The message is following:

If someone doesn’t respect you, don’t mess with him. If someone tries to seduce you, run as far as you can. If you are seducing, think twice about yourself.

This should help you learn that it’s wrong for a woman to be provocative in public and that only unfaithful woman thinks that it’s good for man to take initiative when it comes to physical contact. There’s no wonder that many have eventually made the conclusion that they have contempt for the opposite sex, and they’ve never felt love.

Unfortunately, those who still haven’t recognized the truth will be unfortunate in love relationships.



Texts from the book: “Sexuality and Seduction” by Vladimir Zivkovic






If a man wants prostitution services, he will have to pay with money. The money that the person sets aside to pay sex services supports the survival of the prostitution chain.

What does that mean?

Those who organize a chain of prostitution gain bad karma. Still, those who also support the survival of that chain with money or in some other way, also gain bad karma.

The same situation is with modern television shows, especially with the reality show. Those who organize the reality show gain a very bad karma. Nevertheless, those who watch, and especially those who vote, support with their money not only the public broadcast of the fornicators’ actions, but also justifying the situation of people being treated as cattle and for putting money and salaries into the reserve houses and yards, wherein this way they destroy: their dignity, integrity and the possibility of a sublime life.

As I have put it here, if a man uses his mind, he will understand. However, there are many other relations where people don’t understand, nor they can understand that something is simply bad. On the contrary, they have lots of suffering to survive, stumble and think. I will try to explain this with an example.

A young girl had left many relationships behind her. She has never been ‘alone’. After she has broken up with a man, she will straightaway begin another relationship.

It happened that she was alone, a and she immediately fall in love with another guy. She used her friends to get to know what he thinks about her. The surprise was great, he said that he wouldn’t even dream of being in a relationship with her because she is not a reliable woman when it comes to a relationship. He used her promiscuity and constant change of partners as the explanation.

She was very angry when she found that out from her friends. When she had found out that from her friends, she has been very angry. Secretly she blamed him as if he lacks respect for her and how he talks bad about her. She immediately has found a new man, although she was still in love with the first one besides being offended. She was telling to the second man as if the other man lacked respect for her and considered her an easy woman. This new man who dated her started to hate the first one. Secretly, he was also mad at him.

One day, this girl’s friend was talking to a guy she was previously in love with. She told him that she is a decent girl and criticized him for considering her friend easy.

Then the man said:

– It is not about what I think and feel about her. Her actions are such that there is no man that could rely on her. If my opinion was so bad, I would have slept with her. It is more obvious that man having sex with her is the one who doesn’t respect her and considers her easy.

Indeed, the man who dated her failed her in the end.

The message is following:

One of the most frequent reasons for divorce today that people almost don’t notice is taking something that firstly shouldn’t be taken away from the person you ”truly love”. That is sex (and often the marriage,  too) with someone you shouldn’t have anything common. That is also the reason why many people in the old age stay alone and lonely inside, without the emotional support of the partner and without the feeling of God as Self within oneself.

Here we can make a parable as compared to prostitution example. If a potential partner doesn’t respect oneself, that doesn’t mean that you have right not to respect him-her. That means that woman is not made easy by men’s judgment, but with her actions. So it is that woman is more often considered easy by the man who is having sex with her and takes away her dignity, and not by the one who talks straightforwardly what he thinks and feels.

The indifference is huge when someone thinks to have rights to buy love and sexuality with money.

That means that hard fate affects the men who under the disguise of “love”, power and money take advantage of women. The same is for those who support prostitution with their money or mess with people in reality shows.

Texts from the book: “Return to God: Love Relationships” by Vladimir Zivkovic (will be published in December 2017)





We live in a time when the pleasure is highly valued. If one values pleasure too much, then much will be invested in things that bring pleasure. Thus they begin to value: looks, affluence, intelligence, science, and sex. Love and character, as well as God,  is being neglected.

What does that mean?

Egotism and the human stupidities are one and the same thing. Stupidity destroys the character of the man, its dignity, and its capacity to love. That is generally reflected in the misery of a man that lives and acts in such manner.

Once there was a girl that had “something” that many men liked about her. She was really unattractive, but she always got to find “boyfriend”. Because she was unattractive, she envied the girls that looked handsome. Because of her despise towards beautiful girls, she insisted on the conviction that the physical appearance is not important for the relationship between the man and the woman. That is why she convinced herself that the beautiful girls are not special and that they find the man thanks to their looks. She liked to think as if she was special, and has “something”,  because, although she is unattractive, she was always capable of finding a new “boyfriend”.

One of her ex-boyfriends has found a new girlfriend that was really pretty. He said:

– No matter what kind of girl she is, I prefer beautiful one with flattering behind and boobs, just being without “something” that my unappealing ex-girlfriend has.

What is this about?

Many beautiful and attractive people have bad character and live promiscuously. However, many people with unappealing looks are the same. It is very negative if you are envious and hate good-looking people (also unattractive ones). The character of the man is the most important thing to look at. Envy and hatred are very negative personal traits, and they define how bad is some person. Thus pay attention to “something” that many are pointing out. What is it that is special according to their point of view? If someone is not admiring beauty, why is that so? Why would someone not appreciate something that someone else has?

The beauty is passing. However, that’s the reason to appreciate and respect it more. Also, many other things are passing. Fame, power, money, etc. What matters about the false things is that they are transient. But if something is transient, that doesn’t mean that you have to hate or despise it. If so, the ugliness is transient too. Certainly, the life will come in which you will have a beautiful body. It is not good to hate neither beauty nor ugliness. Any feelings related to that represent your karma for past actions. That means that your character determines both your physical appearance and your attitude towards it.

The message is following:

Many unattractive people are worse than the beautiful ones. That has to do with the character, not with the physical appearance. Thus the character of the person is not estimated according to its looks. A beautiful woman that had only one man is more faithful and dedicated than the one who had many. The same goes for a man ( heh, it is strange everything that I have to write ).

That’s why the ex-boyfriend statement that I mentioned in the example is not strange at all. Manipulation of intelligence, money, convenience, looks, and genitals, can never be assumed as “something”. Thus, take close look at positive dispositions that some person has and watch how he/she uses them. It is not bad to respect beauty and usefulness if the character is shaped like a diamond. However, those who don’t have good dispositions badmouth the things that are not necessarily negative.

Text from the free e-book: “Love and Sex” by Vladimir Zivkovic





Once I’ve overheard the conversation between two girls. One said to another:

– Then I have told to my friend that if she cheats on her boyfriend, she will also cheat on you.

Because of that, I was surprised. Shortly after that, I have remembered that young people nowadays are so estranged from God, so there is no wonder that they say so unnatural sentences and have twisted thinking.

What I’m trying to explain here?

When you are having an affair with someone who is having a partner or is married, then you’re probably the most unfaithful from all people involved. That’s because you cheat on the person who has a partner, you cheat on his partner, and what’s most important, you’re cheating on yourself.

I’m saying it all the time:

– It’s not only stealing that’s a sin. Adultery also represents a kind of theft.

Who sins, he/she steals happiness and heart. Because the person that cheats its partner is a thief. The one who has sex with an unfaithful person is the worst thief. A better option is that you have sex with a person that may be unfaithful, and you are not?! If you’re aware that you’re buying stolen goods then you’re even bigger thief than thief who has stolen the goods

This described unfaithfulness may also be transferred to money. Some people have lost so much their own values that they think it’s possible to recover or gain self-respect if they earn money. They think so because they’ve wasted their time whole and their lives with people who value them based on money and earnings. Such people think that they are no good if they don’t earn money. However, they don’t ask themselves what kind of people are those who don’t see them as they are, but value them only based on money? That’s the reason why many rich and famous people fall into psychological crisis, they have an unfailing feeling that they missed their life and true life values. Such people don’t recognize their unfaithfulness. They don’t see how much they are unfaithful to themselves because they want to present themselves in front of others as able and exceptional. If they knew who they were, they shouldn’t show to anyone how much they earn and what they have.

The message is following:

Don’t trust people who complain how much you earn and do that so it makes you feel bad. This indicates the infidelity of this people. Thus, if you wake up in the morning and think about the money, it‘s sure that you not only live wrong, but you also act unfaithfully in the world, and that means that good people will avoid you, and idiots will stick to you.


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