Today, everyone will tell you that you have the right to believe, think and do what you want.

I can say that you have that right only if you do good deeds. Otherwise, bad deeds affect other people who also have free will like you. If you affect the free will of other people negatively, then the consequences of your free will will also be negative and you will not be able to choose.

As we can see, declaring that you can believe and do whatever you want is not productive and throws you into slavery and unhappiness. The people who preach this are not good people, but are false saints, they show false goodness and false knowledge.

Why did I write this book?

In the modern age, there is a breakthrough of science and, therefore, of atheism. The modern philosophy of science and atheism is not good for the spiritual development of man. And the spiritual development of a person is the most important thing. Spiritual development brings the development of consciousness, the ability for love and happiness, the path to freedom and faith in a better tomorrow.

Science and atheism lead you to a false world, false knowledge, despair and unhappiness. These people try to convince you that everything is accidental and that life has no meaning by forcing you to live this life selfishly without considering the consequences. They want to convince you that life for a moment and only this life is valuable.

However, without God, spiritual development and the meaning of life, everything is barren and worthless. Such a life is worthless.

You will notice in this book that I am extremely opposed to the implementation of scientific methods and atheistic philosophy through human life. Such a lifestyle robs people of happiness and dignity, and does not value personal life and personal experience and knowledge. It is the manipulation of a mediocre mind to live for impulses and false intelligence and not for yourself.

This book will surprise you with incredible revelations of delusions among the most intelligent circles. If you want real arguments and knowledge for every kind of debate and philosophy of life, this is the book for you.

Through this book, I want every reader to recognize the ignorance and manipulation of science, philosophy, religion, atheism, and false spirituality, because only the recognition of delusions and a return to the true life and spiritual path can heal the world and society.

Good luck everyone! Prosperity and peace!





I recently read a statement by Rumi that reads:

– You are not a drop in the ocean. You are an entire ocean in a single drop.

What does that mean?

The author of the statement wanted to emphasize that the total God dwells in us. In this way, it is emphasized that the whole universe is inside us.

This statement is not far from the truth, however, the error is in the first statement of this statement. And that is, that it is not true that you are not a drop in the ocean. If the entire ocean is contained in one drop, then the drop is also contained in the ocean.

In order to better understand this, we will say the statement that man is God, but God is not just that man.

This statement already seems more logical and understandable. We cannot say man is not God, but God is man. That would mean that man is older than God, and then God would have to be only man, and that is not true.

I also recently read a text where someone on the Internet asked for help with a solution to a math problem. Since no one came forward to help, he logged in with another account and wrote the wrong solution in the comments. As he wrote it, many people came forward to correct him and give the correct solution.

The idea is that people like to correct rather than help.

Maybe that’s largely true, but it’s impossible that no one wants to help. If that were really the case, there would be no help for us.

Someone wrote that 10% of people are good, 10% of people are evil, and 80% are in the middle with variations. This means that 10% of people are driving the progress of mankind from the beginning of the world until today. That is why revolutionary discoveries are dedicated to that ten percent of good humanity, because they are the only ones capable of putting modern values ​​into practice.

So don’t be disappointed by other people’s misunderstanding. If out of 10 people you find one person who understands you, then you are more than understandable enough. The problem is if a lot of people understand you. Then you’re not doing anything sensible.

The lesson is:

That’s how God created the world. A little good brings great progress. God swallows a lot of evil without a problem. The world will never be destroyed. Unfortunately, there will be no apocalypse today, or tomorrow. These are all fabrications of a complexed mind eager for liberation from the suffering of evil and despair.

However, suffering is an integral part of life, and it will never go away. Not even when you realize the Self. It is God who endures the suffering of the whole world. It just seems to be us.

Therefore it is correct to say:

You are a drop in the ocean that has the same essence as the ocean itself. The realization of that essence will make you an ocean, ie. realized God.

That’s the goal, and that’s the truth.

Of course, there is a possibility that Rumi’s statement is not well translated.

He probably said:

– You are not just a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in that single drop.




A person who is on the spiritual path constantly has problems and troubles. While solving these problems, he/she constantly thinks of God because spirituality includes God necessarily.

When somebody thinks of God when he/she has problems, those problems can make him/her think that God is like this or like that. Thoughts like temptation that God is unjust and unforgiving can preoccupy a spiritual aspirant.

When something like this happens to you, remember the law that your opinion about God and what you see in God is an opinion about yourself. The flaws you see in God are yours.

Of course, you should not take this literally but cognitively.

More precisely, your opinion of God is a guide to what you might usefully change and do.

Atheists who claim that God does not exist in reality consider themselves non–existent. They have a destructive and desperate belief that they will cease to exist. A man who considers God unjust is probably unjust and unforgiving himself.

Some people say that if God exists, then God is a murderer, rapist, pedophile, manipulator, narcissist…to name a few.

Beware of such people. These are people who have such qualities but hide behind their opinion about God, which in reality is subconscious knowledge of themselves and their flaws.

The lesson is:

Let your opinion about God be a guideline for your own change for the better, so that when you don’t know what is happening to you and why, you can find positive actions in yourself that you will put into action.




Science mainly studies physical laws.

Psychology is one branch of science that would have to include God. This is because the only psychic healing is found in knowing who you are, who God is, that God is and that we are searching for Self and God.

A psychology that does not have these answers has nothing to treat correctly.

That’s why Freud found only improvements and progress but not a solution (because he threw out the solution at the start as an impossible solution). His disillusionment and intolerance towards religion is to blame for this.

Spiritual laws are different from physical laws. Physical laws are at the service of spiritual ones, and spiritual laws are at the service of God.

One of the most important spiritual laws is the law of karma and reincarnation.

Physical laws are karma on the physical level. Spiritual laws are karma on the spiritual level. This means that all living things get the fate they deserve to the last millimeter. God is so omnipotent that every being lives his karma in relation to others.

One may consider spiritual laws to be non–existent because they are “invisible”. However, neither God nor karma are invisible but recognizable.

With the expansion of consciousness and the strengthening of virtues, everything spiritual becomes visible because virtue is what God believes. God trusts a man with virtue. More precisely, God does not think about trust because God is omniscient and gives man in a second all the good things he deserves.

Why is this good?

Because you are aware that God’s gift and recognition is something you deserve. It gives you a sense of self–worth.

That is why the realization of one’s own and other people’s value is also God.




Our acquired consciousness never declines.


Because we suffered to deserve it. A person mostly deserves mercy, love and compassion through a difficult fate. The difficulties you have overcome must be justly repaid. No one suffers in vain.

On the other hand, acquired wisdom can be lost. Some people think it is wise or reasonable to exclude God from reality. In this way, a person does not become smarter.




Self–refuting claim:

“Let people do what they want,” said a man who believes that everyone has the right to do what they want.


– Then why are you bothering me if everyone has the right to do what they want?

“Freedom is to do good”.


–Does a person really have the right to do what he wants?

Many say that their life is their business.

Is that really so?

If we start from the fact that even thoughts are negative or positive energy directed at the object of the thought, does this mean that nothing is just our business?


– Not everyone does as he wants, but as he can.

This is proof of free will.


Free will is exercised in the world and in life. The world does not adapt to the free will of the individual.

Your actions based on your free will determine what you can and cannot do at a given moment.

This is great because it reveals God’s law that no one can take away what you deserve.

It is the grace and justice of human free will.



FREEDOM (explanation of God’s vision and our task)

The task that God the Creator gave us is very simple we just have to accept it.

People tend to ask:

Why did God put us in trouble if he is so good and loving? Why didn’t he give us freedom right away?

The answers are simple:

Creation is perfect because it is real and just and has the perfect task of giving us full self–awareness through experience and our free will. So, we choose what we will do, but the consequences are determined by God, that is. karma. Based on that, we gain self–awareness (which is the basic task of Creation). Therefore, nature does not select anything but the needs of the soul’s consciousness.

Gaining full self–awareness is our full freedom and happiness and then God’s enrichment.

I adore Jesus who said he would sit on the throne next to our God the father. And he said that each of us will carry our cross (live and work out karma) until the end of time (liberation – complete self–awareness).

Here I want to emphasize that atheism is the only belief that does not preach freedom. True knowledge must preach freedom. Otherwise, everything is meaningless and not worth a fleeting life. Atheism is the only belief that does not understand that happiness is not found in fleeting life and enjoyment. Freedom in the transient does not exist if you are not aware of the goal.

Why am I saying this?

Because of the new worship of science, intelligence is at a premium. However, what does that intelligence give? Does it give freedom? No. Then it is not real knowledge.

The lesson is:

–True knowledge gives us optimism and happiness because that knowledge of God and freedom makes us safe and accessible, and in this way we willingly face challenges because we understand that these challenges lead us to a perfect goal.

That is why God threw us into trouble. To have a real life and a real goal.

It is important that you understand that every trouble and every life will have an end, only you together with God will not.

So, you can already relax and work on yourself happily or at least willingly.




Many clergy today say that God is energy and that we are energy. Some even say that the Universe is one big ocean of energy.

That is not true.

Just as man can identify with body or mind, he also identifies with energy.

Many people even say that everything is energy without even having experienced the subtle and astral worlds.

God is neither physical nor energy. It is all reality (illusion) that God creates.

Because God is the Self of all creation and all living beings, and has no appearance, no form, no smell, no taste, people equate such a description with nothingness.

Yet God is not nothing. God is an all–powerful impersonal entity that can be experienced and known. God is the all–powerful source from which all that God wills comes forth. And everything is perfect.




Here are the simple facts.

Scientists claim that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. So, this is another paradox, because in order for energy to exist it must be created. Such energy was created by God, ensuring the self–sustainability of the Cosmos.

However, here too, people fall into the delusion of thinking that the Cosmos is self–sustaining because of self–sustaining energy. This is not true. This self–sustainability of energy was made possible by God as the Self. This means that if God separated himself from the energy, the energy would disappear.


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