Love and Sex

Love and Sex


Texts from the book: “Return to God: Men and Women” by Vladimir Zivkovic





Many people are miserable and lonely in today’s world of evil and obscenity. Those who live for fame, power, wealth and sex, are about to discover how miserable they are.

What does that mean?

When a person discovers that he/she is unhappy, he/she needs help. No one can really help such kind of people. Many say that love heals. That is, mainly, the truth. Still, I have to mention, miserable man is a danger to himself because the love of others can’t heal him. Healing is found in discovering oneself. Even if the whole world loves you, that doesn’t mean anything to you, if you are unhappy, and you don’t love yourself.

This book is based on my personal experience. I have been through everything that I am writing about. So, I rarely preach someone else’s teaching, although something like that is possible if I consider it beneficial. I believe I could help many people because I have experienced revelations myself.

However, I’m not like many spiritualists who tie the people to themselves. My goal is to offer direction to each person to reach God and healing. Happiness and self-respect of the individual depend on the relationship with God. Thus my goal is to help people in the proper way. That means that everyone has self-healing deep inside, and I can help anyone accomplish it. God is perfect. Life is perfect likewise if God exists in human life.

This book should teach you not to be ashamed of your wishes, urges, and passions. They exist to teach you how to use them, and how to overcome them through suitable, positive experiences. Misfortune and loneliness of the new age are the results of falsely living urges and passions. Many say that everything is created for man, but many have forgotten that everything is beneficial for man only if used correctly and morally, in a Godly manner.

Thus we reach absurd, where many nice songs have been sung, but due to vulgarity and nakedness, everyone’s mind and heart are poisoned, needlessly. That is because sex and nakedness are given more significance than needed. Only because sex and nakedness are placed where they don’t belong at all. Thus, sinners don’t want to admit that it’s not freedom and not genuine living of urges and passions, but the sort of weakness and cowardice, which results in loss of dignity and love. No one explained to those people that it’s not possible to find happiness without God, love, and dignity- chances are literally zero percents.

Thus, you could see evil and doubt everywhere. Many people live in fear and sadness. I’m willing to offer them help. Especially to depressed ones. I’ll help by revealing the truth to them, and by pointing out their mistakes. When everyone reveals the truth and feels the presence of God, everyone will be saved, even before they realize it. So, the path to God itself leads to the wholeness of life, happiness, and the most important purpose of life, self-respect, and self-worth. To those people happiness, freedom and love have been predestined.

For me, God isn’t a mere word which many use without knowing It. The commandment is that you shall not take the Lord’s name in vain. However, I’ll constantly refer to it in this book.


Because I’ll not mention His name in vain.

God is within me, and God is within everyone. That’s the truth that every person will discover.

Happy self-healing, and rejoice!






Once I’ve overheard the conversation between two girls. One said to another:

– Then I have told to my friend that if she cheats on her boyfriend, she will also cheat on you.

Because of that, I was surprised. Shortly after that, I have remembered that young people nowadays are so estranged from God, so there is no wonder that they say so unnatural sentences and have twisted thinking.

What I’m trying to explain here?

When you are having an affair with someone who is having a partner or is married, then you’re probably the most unfaithful from all people involved. That’s because you cheat on the person who has a partner, you cheat on his partner, and what’s most important, you’re cheating on yourself.

I’m saying it all the time:

– It’s not only stealing that’s a sin. Adultery also represents a kind of theft.

Who sins, he/she steals happiness and heart. Because the person that cheats its partner is a thief. The one who has sex with an unfaithful person is the worst thief. A better option is that you have sex with a person that may be unfaithful, and you are not?! If you’re aware that you’re buying stolen goods then you’re even bigger thief than thief who has stolen the goods

This described unfaithfulness may also be transferred to money. Some people have lost so much their own values that they think it’s possible to recover or gain self-respect if they earn money. They think so because they’ve wasted their time whole and their lives with people who value them based on money and earnings. Such people think that they are no good if they don’t earn money. However, they don’t ask themselves what kind of people are those who don’t see them as they are, but value them only based on money? That’s the reason why many rich and famous people fall into psychological crisis, they have an unfailing feeling that they missed their life and true life values. Such people don’t recognize their unfaithfulness. They don’t see how much they are unfaithful to themselves because they want to present themselves in front of others as able and exceptional. If they knew who they were, they shouldn’t show to anyone how much they earn and what they have.

The message is following:

Don’t trust people who complain how much you earn and do that so it makes you feel bad. This indicates the infidelity of this people. Thus, if you wake up in the morning and think about the money, it‘s sure that you not only live wrong, but you also act unfaithfully in the world, and that means that good people will avoid you, and idiots will stick to you.





When it comes to human weakness, man uses force in his helplessness and weakness.

What does that mean?

A weak and helpless person uses force just when he can’t be braver, either smarter. Such person has poorly developed its mind and heart. And in that way, he wants to control world and people. As soon as the person with a huge ego and complexes thinks that he’ll turn out sheep or weak, then he starts using force. This using of force just confirms his weakness and he’s even not aware of that.


Because he’s occupied with covering up of this that he knows to carry inside. If he wins by using force, this kind of person hopes to cover up weakness and cowardice. Otherwise, how do you think that stubbornness and resistance originated? A normal person will always go with a peaceful solution to the problems. A normal person always looks after other’s people interests, and afterward after its own. A weak one is afraid that someone will deceive or win him. Thus brute doesn’t think about reasons or consequences of his evil. He doesn’t want to face his weakness, so he uses force. There are few people who use force to defend weaker. Nowadays, stronger are bullying weaker and virtuous. Then, instead to defend weak, stronger team up against weaker, because the cowardice greatly increased, as well as evil in man, so ten stronger people are afraid of someone who is not able to beat anyone.

Have you heard the joke where four men have beaten one man? Some man was witnessing a fight, and thinking to himself whether to interfere. At some point, he joined the fight and said: – Look, we have bitten up the guy together.

That’s not the joke anymore, but a harsh reality.

Therefore, the only real disability is the spiritual weakness. This disability is starting to cause irreparable harm.

For that reason, always pay attention to man’s actions. If someone wants to dominate, that doesn’t reflect his reason and kindness. Domination is the form of manipulation. That form of manipulation stems from human complexes and distrust in oneself and God. Nowadays there’s widely accepted false conviction that manipulation can cure complexes, and thus achieve happiness. Not only that is it cowardly, but it’s very primitive conviction. If you believe that you’re wise and brave, why would you like to dominate someone and impose your will?

The described type of domination is common mainly for man. They impose it both on men and women. Domination is typical for weak. Mentally unstable man thinks that he has to use force.

The message is following:

Using force and manipulation is showing how much the other side is intolerable, i.e. the one that you want to dominate over. In that way, you subconsciously show how much the other side is better, wiser and smarter from you because if it wasn’t so, you wouldn’t be bothered and have to use the force (in desperation, fear, and weakness).





Many people nowadays live as if the sex and money are the most important things in life. Materialism is rapidly increasing nowadays. Though, there are people that think that only feelings matter.

What does that mean?

The feelings are important. Although, it is not reasonable that everything in your life depends on feelings. That means that if everything depends on them, then there is no wonder that you feel unhappy. And if you are unhappy, what kind of feelings you could have?

This means that the people that think that feelings are important also live with the illusion that everything has to be good and perfect in their lives. That is how attachment and egoism are developed. This is how developed attachment to family, sex, money, children, pets, comfort and more…

Here is raised the question: how and why is that so?

That is because if your feelings matter so much to you, then you are not interested in the deeper meaning of something. Something happens to you, and you don’t think about the significance of events, and why something happens to you, about the way to spiritually grow and become happy, but you think to yourself: – Poor me, I am so unhappy! – That is egoism itself that results in misery and misfortune.

When someone dies, people don’t consider why that is beneficial, they think about how to end their attachment and how ruined, tricked and injured they are. And why is that so?

The reason is that people consider themselves pathetic, and depending too much on feelings and pleasure. Love is an integral part of life, and love is free, unattached, and everyone can live it. The main problem is that many don’t live it, so they think it should be a gift from heaven.

What do I really point out here?

Men related to pleasure and easiness fosters selfishness, abandons love, while he believes that love is really important to him.

Also, the love feeling is not the only feeling.

The real trouble is that people find attachment more important, not the love. In that way a man thinks that God is cruel because he created suffering and death, not realizing that suffering and death are inevitable in creation. That is self-pity. Thus people that care about feelings, don’t actually live love, but the worst selfishness. They don’t live for love (although many won’t trust this), and, of course, they can’t perceive underlying reasons of incidents, suffering, and pain, they don’t understand the world around them, they can’t accept the world and people as they really are, and they believe as if they live for love and that they know love.

Thus, they live for selfishness, attachment, pleasure and belittled feelings, while they believe that they know love and live for it. Specifically, they live for love, but neither they have ever found it, nor lived it.

Some people really don’t understand opposite sex at all, not their partner, and they think as if they know something about love.

It is hard to explain the things I present here.

Nowadays, women mainly glorify their feelings. Yet, exactly these women are lazy to deserve and get real and true love and positive feelings. They live insensitivity, infidelity, and self-destruction, while they are not interested in real reasons of creation and search for God. The question is if something brings misfortune, and you imagine that it brings happiness, does that mean that your happiness is going to be lasting? And is possible for fabricated truth to become reality, i.e. real truth?

The message is following:

Love feeling is important feeling. Though, besides love, there are many other binding and destructive feelings. Many modern men and women confuse these destructive feelings for love. They are so overwhelmed with the importance of their feelings that they are overlooking living egoism and selfishness in reality, and not love. That is manifested through bad luck in love relationships and through sufferings reflecting the lack of understanding of life, creation, and God.

In simple words, no one has right to be evil and unfaithful and make excuses with ”love feelings”. Because, this is, of course, hypocrisy and lie. You can deceive yourself and people on the secular, but you can’t deceive God and karma.


Texts from the book: “Sexuality and Seduction” by Vladimir Zivkovic





One of the worst misconceptions of a man is to think as if sexuality is a sin.

What does that mean?

God created sexuality. He created the sexuality as an act of lovemaking and the way of continuation of the species. Sexuality as such has perfect nature. The other thing is that people use such wonderful gift in a negative way so that they correspondingly get miserable, sick and lonely.

If a man is disappointed by sexuality, he should think about its own behavior and dignity.

In the past, people suppressed the sexuality. That was due to the collective belief that it’s bad. People have condemned themselves and the others so it has reflected very negatively to the human psyche and to their acts in the past. They were under pressure that they shouldn’t live sexuality because it’s bad and sinful, thus they condemned themselves to bad deeds and bad luck. Nowadays, it goes to the other extremes. Modern people think that they have right to have sex with whoever they like. As if the sex isn’t a sin. They have forgotten about their and other people’s dignity. They don’t realize that disrespect for oneself and others are also disease, as well as suppression of sexuality. However, sex can be really sinful if you use it for sinful aims. It’s very simple to come to such conclusion.

Having in mind that sex as everything else has its perfect purpose; this means that since the man can’t achieve perfect sexuality instantly, he has to use sexuality in a positive manner. That means a man has right to live sexuality at a certain point of his life when it’s got proper conditions to do so.

In order to acquire and meet such conditions, the effort is needed. It’s all in vain, but everything has to be deserved and for all is required mental effort. You can’t have regular sex if you don’t know well or respect your partner. That takes effort and time. You can’t have positive and satisfying sex if you haven’t acquired responsibility when it comes to the happiness of your partner and responsibility for the possible children.

The positive purpose of the marriage is that you can have free and safe sex in a marriage and planning the family is your own will. Any other sexuality out of the marriage is more or less destructive for an individual. Also, children that grow in normal and sensible marriage without the unity of both parents greatly suffer, and the parents themselves suffer too.

Sexuality outside of the marriage results in very bad consequences. Sexuality is nowadays lived under the motive of a modern love relationships ‘’boyfriend and girlfriend’’. And in the majority of cases that is not positive sexuality and many complain and are angry at such claims. In reality, people don’t want to admit their irresponsibility and lack of dignity, and they don’t admit that their ‘modernity’ is actually bigotry that they want so hard to hide not just from others, but also from oneself. For, the glorification of things bringing misfortune and pretending to be special by committing a sin can’t bring you or assure you happiness or success.

The message is following:

Many say that sex is not sinful. I would add: a divine aspect of sex that’s achieved by fidelity and love is a positive sex, and as such has a positive effect. Of course, some sex can be very sinful. Don’t trust people that give such short and incomplete statements. It’s not a coincidence that they are so stingy with words and that they say that the wise man is quiet. Because, if they had been smarter, they would know that a smart man says what should be said and how much it should be said.





Some men are nowadays considered to be great seducers. Many admire the skillful seducers, even women.

What does that mean?

That means that there are many women that don’t recognize true values in men. For reason many admire egotistical seducers, there are many hearts broken nowadays.

However, in this presentation, I won’t deal with the real seducers, except that I will say that they will get what they deserve. For those who don’t know that, there are much more men that would like to be successful seducers. Their problem is just that they haven’t mastered that skill.

What is this about?

At first, you want to be someone. Then you invest time and effort to be that someone. And you end up by paying off your wretchedness and sin, because what you have become stands for evil in the world and brings inevitable bad-luck. When I say inevitable, that means 100% will happen.

Therefore, learning to be a seducer, that is not only a complete waste of time, but it’s also investing an enormous effort in your own and other people’s misery.

It’s a great sin to learn to seduce people.

Pray to God to protect you from such a way, and from this kind of people.


Texts from the book: “Return to God: Love Relationships” by Vladimir Zivkovic





The truth is always one. However, in the events between people truth has many tricky. Scarce are those who equal themselves to the truth.

What does that mean?

Let’s take love relationship as an example. Partners experience a particular situation, but they have a completely different view. There’s a friction between their egos because of the difference in views. They clash more or less, there is solidarity between them more or less, which depends on viewpoint and conviction. To make things even more strange, viewpoints of both partners usually have nothing to do with the truth. If you happen to explain to those people that they are making mistake, they would even get angry. That means that the truth is always somewhere in the middle. Both of them have to give up on some of the selfishness and ego in order to find the common truth i.e. the right solution. It’s clear why I suggest here that two married people have to make effort and participate because two people in the marriage are a whole. If one of the partners is not communicating and trying to find a solution in a peaceful way, the relationship will fail unmistakenly.

That’s how a very young man found a girl whom he fell in love deeply. One would say that the girl was very good at first glance. She listened to a man, didn’t contradict him, while he was very nervous and insecure. He was causing a lot of problems to her because of his insecurity. He accused her of many things that she didn’t do. If she tried to defend herself in such a way that she explained to him that he was too rough, he would become even worse. He had such a low opinion of himself that he couldn’t take a criticism from the person he liked.

Karma never sleeps. The moment came when he had to go for a while. Since they were fighting all the time, he went after the argument, so they didn’t have a chance to make it up. So he went away and he didn’t have a chance to consider herself to be his. She found someone else during his absence. That broke him.

As we can see, the man really had reason to be uncertain about her. She was nice, but on a subconscious level, he knew that he couldn’t rely on her, and that was the reason for him to make a fuss and be bad to her.

After a while, the man had some experiences that made him change. He gained a milder nature over time and become patient. Then he met another girl. As soon as he started being nice to her and fell in love, she started raging at him. As much as he assured her that he loved her, she was being even worse to him. He was recollecting his relationship from the past at that point. He remembered how he loved the previous girlfriend, and how terrible he was towards her, and how she hurt him. Then he realized that he’s not giving to this girl what is necessary. He realized that she’s furious at him because she can’t rely on him. He thought to himself: – No matter what happens, I will not let her down, and I won’t look to some other girl. I will love her just the way she is.

As soon as he has made the decision, the girl changed her attitude to him. His decision brought to such attitude in life that it simply it was not possible to do differently.

What’s the moral of this story?

Everything that happens to you, has one face, a present face that you look at and understand in your own way. However, the other side, the person you are related to is your face. Both your mistakes and mistakes of your partner are your mistakes. Not just your partner’s.

We can clearly see from this example that it’s silly to blame your partner. Partner’s mistakes don’t give you excuse and right to sin. As much as your partner is bad, that’s not an excuse for you to be bad. That means that if you correct your mistakes, you will also correct the mistakes of your partner.

If we think well, the guy from the example could do the same as his ex-girlfriend. In that way, he will gain lots of negative karma, and he would learn nothing. However, he remembered the mistake of his ex-girlfriend, and his mistake, so he could understand his present girlfriend, and he could understand that he is basically unfaithful, and he has to give faithfulness to his girlfriend. That understanding gave him persistence, patience, and endurance, which are essential in situations when partners have problems. And if partner notices your endurance, he will feel safe, and he would not even want to leave you, so how many do you know that have someone to rely on, spiritually?

There are almost none of them.

So, everything that happens to you, you were either on the other side, or you’ll be. Because it’s important for you to learn, and to solve your mistakes, not your partner’s. Changing partner’s character is very often waste of time because if you have such attitude, that means that you see things and events distorted, you are not self-critical, so you can’t change partner’s mistakes in the right way.






Nowadays we can often hear the statement of some people that their partner is unhealthy jealous. What does that mean?

If someone was emotionally hurt, he or she has the propensity to doubt. When he recognizes the patterns of behavior at its current partner matching with the previous partner that hurt him, such person can be jealous because he/she was hurt in that way. The injury revives again because the new partner is the one who in the present acts and does the same.

Therefore, unhealthy jealousy almost doesn’t exist. If someone is jealous of you, it is better for you to look for the mistake within yourself. The real truth is if someone is jealous he/she has the valid reason to feel that way. Then the one who causes jealousy pretends as if someone is unreasonably jealous.

A person that makes its partner jealous is much worse than the partner that is jealous. The one who suffers jealousy is always braver and more sincere. The one who creates jealousy and still pretends that it is normal is an insensitive person, and there is something very wrong with that person.

People that cause jealousy, spread misfortune, and when they pretend that others have no reason to be jealous, they cause anger and contempt in hearts of those who they deceive. Thus those who cause jealousy are in dire ignorance, and they say that someone is unhealthy jealous. Such people will in near or far future be exposed to jealousy, so their emotional wounds will teach them to act with compassion.

Causing jealousy (both deliberately or unintentionally) is basically irresponsibility, insensitivity, and pure evil and cowardice. In this case, it is caused because of a person’s wish to rise above partner and dominate. That’s the indicator from the very beginning that there is no love and that person that causes jealousy is more concerned with self-liking ego than with love and the partner. That means that jealous negation of love that should be the essence of a love relationship is justified.

The message is following:

If someone tells you how jealous he-she is, or if you notice that your partner is jealous, be self-critical, and think: are you doing evil? Even if there is an unhealthy jealousy, it’s better for you to believe that it doesn’t exist. Those who don’t to face themselves and their shortcomings have invented the unhealthy jealousy. A person that causes jealousy certainly has self-esteem issues.

People that don’t care about others and cause jealousy are not just fragile and miserable presently, but they will be even more miserable in the future when they will have to face their sins. Causing jealousy is unfaithfulness, too. The unfaithful ones, in the end, get hurt, and they ask:

– How does that happen?

Simple, thanks to karma and God’s justice. If you’re hitting in the middle of the heart, those same blows will come back at you with the same force. That’s the ancient law that always works.

Text from the free e-book: ”Destroy Evil” by Vladimir Zivkovic





If love had to do with personal appearance and beauty, then mothers with ugly children wouldn’t love their offspring.

What does that mean?

If someone doesn’t know love, it can learn it from mothers.

Parents and children are linked by karma and they hurt each other very often. Though a child can be ugly, evil and sick, and mother will still love him/her. That means that present relationships between men and women are mainly based on lust and interest, not on love. Here I just want to point out that love between partners should exist and has nothing to do with looks or material state.

The man usually gets excited visually, and woman tactile. Therefore women that dress provocatively are evil and unfaithful. The man who take advantage of every chance to touch women, and meaning several different women, are unfaithful and irresponsible men.

What this men and women have in common?

It’s common that they don’t have respect for themselves, so for that reason, they don’t respect the opposite sex, so they take advantage of their position.

Which position?

They take advantage of the same position that allows them to dress provocatively, to touch and seduce someone. Therefore, I always repeat that seducing is trait related to people with complexes that don’t know love. Their success in seducing is very important to them because they have low self-esteem.

Therefore, Don Juans are never satisfied, nor happy. They exactly have evidence of being unfaithful. They know how much their victims are unfaithful. Why do I say, victims? There is no love relationship in seducing. There’s only seducer and the one that’s been misled. They are constantly taking turns in changing their roles. The victim becomes a despot and vice versa. Thus seducer never respects neither himself nor his victims. It’s because he cheats, he doesn’t love those who cheats on, because what kind of person is the one that is tricked and led into bed by seducer?

What am I explaining here?

Today, when a girl looks good, she’s noticed by the most of the men for her looks. And if such girl succumbs to temptation and has so-called ”boyfriends”, there’s growing contempt inside over the time, and results in her inability to surrender to love.

There’s no wonder that modern girls dress up so scarcely and seductive. Such attire is the consequence of girls’ unconscious revenge. Most girls deliberately provoke lust in men, unconsciously, or out of revenge, because they’re not respected as human beings, but as hunks of good meat. A naive modern man thinks that they’re doing their best for him. Such man is not realizing that provocative dressing is often the outcome of subconscious contempt that woman carries inside in the same manner as lack of self-worth and self-respect.

A woman in love hides her charms only for her man i.e. spouse, because she knows intimacy, loyalty, and trust, and knows its values.

I’m not accusing women in this presentation. It might be even said that I defend them. Nowadays hardly any man could understand the misfortune of the woman that wants to love and be loved, but she only comes across the men who want to sexually abuse her, while they shamelessly lie how much they love and respect her. However, the real truth is usually that even if she was ugly, that man wouldn’t just dislike her, but he would also be disgusted by her.

Thus happens that contemporary women have to make effort to seduce men. They hadn’t been left any other choice.

Poor men are in the similar position, which, if they are noticed for their physical appearance when women see that they are poor, they turn bad. What a pity!

The message is following:

If someone doesn’t respect you, don’t mess with him. If someone tries to seduce you, run as far as you can. If you are seducing, think twice about yourself.

This should help you learn that it’s wrong for a woman to be provocative in public and that only unfaithful woman thinks that it’s good for man to take initiative when it comes to physical contact. There’s no wonder that many have eventually made the conclusion that they have contempt for the opposite sex, and they’ve never felt love.

Unfortunately, those who still haven’t recognized the truth will be unfortunate in love relationships.


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