Men and Women

Men and Women




In the course of my life, I have witnessed the degradation of women many times.

Female decay begins when an unprepared woman enters into an emotional relationship with a man who disappoints her. When she experiences disappointment, a woman becomes susceptible to many vices. Vices destroy human dignity.

A woman becomes unfaithful without even noticing it.

She starts drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes and living in bad company. It cannot be avoided because today it is fashionable to go out to exclusive places where every vice is present.

A penchant for love relationships creates promiscuity because relationships are increasingly weak and unstable and short–lived.

If such a woman meets a better man, she will not be able to establish a good relationship with him because there are vices, bad company and bad behavior that create insurmountable problems.

So in the end it happens that a woman has to accept a man who is the same as her. Wicked and unfaithful.

Here they seem to be a good couple because they are blind to other people’s flaws because they want to cover up or justify their own.

This is where big problems and big injuries come later, because flaws are always flaws.

Thus, every woman ends up regretting missed opportunities. And that’s because it simply doesn’t repair its flaws. More precisely, a woman does not try to love herself and correct herself, but looks for an accomplice in misfortune.

And the accomplice in her misfortune is her greatest enemy, whom she naively classifies as a friend at first. That is why the most common explanation of women is that her man was good at first and then changed.

The lesson is:

If you change yourself for the better, you will not only be happier, but you will also get a better future.

Don’t believe in random luck. Fight for yourself and your love the right way. God is with you.




Hell is only found on Earth.

However, selfish and evil people think that Hell is somewhere else.


They haven’t experienced suffering of the heart.

When you chase after money and genitals, only ego injuries occur.

Ego injuries are easy to heal. You just get up, shake off the dust, and look for a new victim.





A man is not an appendix that you can cut out.

What does that mean?

If you have done harm to someone, it is logical that you want to avoid that person and the consequences.

What are people doing today?

They do evil and then employ people to cover up that evil. At the same time, they involve other people without respecting the personality of those people. If you hurt one person and ran away, you do the same to a new person.

In this way, a karmic burden is created that manifests as a living hell.

The lesson is:

When the karmic ball is unwound, both the righteous and the unrighteous suffer greatly.

A righteous man is healed and freed. An unrighteous man becomes sick and enslaved by his wrongdoings.

An unjust and unfaithful man meets worse and worse people and stays in an eternally bad society and is overtaken by infidelity and crime.




The imposition of will is not always negative.

Without the imposition of will, there would be no progress.

If parents prevent their children from smoking cigarettes, it is imposing will, but it is not negative.

When children get rid of their parents, they can feel relieved because now they can smoke without anyone objecting to them.

Over time, they begin to miss precisely this imposition of will.

Every coin has two faces.

It is never about imposing will but about right and wrong.

Opposing another’s right will is in large part an exercise of one’s own negative will.

Like, say, smoking cigarettes.

Are you saying it’s the smoker’s business and nobody else’s business?




The best life changes happen gradually, with understanding.

What does that mean?

When it comes to love partners, your partner is a very good mirror.

In the modern era, good conclusions have been reached that you should take care of your partner, his/her wishes and his/her individuality.

However, for a marriage or relationship to survive, we must take care of our partner or it will end.

That’s why people make sacrifices for their partner. However, if you think that you are sacrificing yourself for your partner, there is a high probability that there will be problems.

How and why?

Feelings and circumstances are changeable in nature. If you are angry with your partner, in those moments you will stop doing the good you were doing for him/her. In this way, the positive changes you adopted because of your partner lose their result and meaning. Because you did positive things for him/her and not for yourself and not because it was right.

What does this mean next?

You have to carefully consider and understand the changes that your partner wants you to make. If your partner’s complaint is positive and justified, you will implement the change best if you understand it for your own good, and only then for your partner’s.

The lesson is:

A huge percentage of divorce shows that people do not understand the sacrifice and care for the partner. If you commit evil and vices, such as infidelity, smoking and alcohol, no amount of sacrifice and care for your partner on the other side will fix the situation.

You have to be a good man for your own good. Only then will you be good to others.

At this point we understand our saying:

He who is not good for himself is not good for others either.

Many understand this saying in the wrong context of selfishness and ego. Yet you are not the ego.

More natural:

Stop thinking that you are sacrificing yourself for your partner.


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