Consciousness is something we all have.

By expanding our consciousness we gain the power of love, compassion, perception and morality.

Therefore, our actions mostly depend on the level of our consciousness.

The beginning of our actions can be found in the mind and in the thoughts in the mind. However, we determine with our consciousness which idea we will realize and what we will believe.

Therefore, perfect consciousness contains perfect action.

God possesses perfect consciousness and that is why God, whether in the form of Creator or Sustainer or in the form of man, has perfect action.

So many people glorify the mind and intelligence which are the properties of the ego and the ego will never reach the truth and God. It is the same for you as if you had a calculator and if you believed that with the help of the digitron you would realize God. And whatever experience you have you want your digitron to calculate your experience. In this way, a person closes his eyes to the facts and relies on the delusional calculations of the digitron.

So, where does the main obstacle in philosophy lie?

It is hidden in the fact that many philosophers want to determine God and creation in the mind, which is impossible. The mind is used for thinking. Consciousness is built on experience. A man who cannot get out of the construction of the mind will never know the truth. And the mind wants to explain everything and understand everything.

When you go out into the street and see the Sun, you have an experience and no one has to explain anything to you. You experience everything directly. If someone needs to explain such an experience to you, you are in ignorance and inexperience.

If someone explains something to you through experiential knowledge, if you believe it, you will have knowledge but not experience. Again, you will have to gain experience based on that knowledge, otherwise you will be just a believer without experiential knowledge.

Many philosophers are believers without experiential knowledge. Some believe in falsehood, some believe in some true things.

Belief in a perfect Creator God is the only correct initial faith. Everything else is eternal wandering through the rainforest.

So a hypothetical eternal hell exists. It is eternal disbelief in God (which fortunately cannot be eternal).




The very paradox of mother and child is proof of God the Creator.

What does that mean?

There is an analogy that every watch has a designer who made that watch. This indicates that everything in the world has a Creator – a Designer.

It is said that the watchmaker’s analogy is not correct because it cannot be proof that the world has an intelligent creator.

However, doubting such a statement does not prove that the watchmaker’s analogy is incorrect. Doubt and conjecture have never been proof of anything. Likewise, doubting the watchmaker’s analogy does not prove that the analogy is incorrect.

So if I eat food to live, that doesn’t mean everyone has to eat food to live?

If every child has a mother, doesn’t that mean every mother has a mother?

If a watch has its own designer, that doesn’t mean the designer is a product of God the Creator?

The watchmaker analogy has not been proven wrong because there is no evidence to disprove the analogy. And that proof does not exist because the analogy is correct.

God is the Creator. Every man can know God. God is also a proof that proves himself. I don’t see what’s unclear there?

In order to create the first child in creation, God created a mother capable of giving birth and created man to provide the material necessary for fertilization. It is the law that God created for us.

This is proof that God is so powerful that he created a perfect world in an instant where souls can live forever if they want to.

Therefore, the beginning is the same as the end of creation. There is no difference.

Nothing evolves in the world except our consciousness.

With the evolution of consciousness we find God. We become aware of God. In the end, we get to know who we are.




All of Creation and all of your life are evidence of God.

Seeking evidence of God from others is actually a deception that knows no evidence.

Atheism is a delusion of the mind.

How do I know that?

Perfect logic recognizes a perfect Creator, a perfect Creation and a perfect meaning–goal.

Any other logic is human ignorance and deception.




There is no burden of proof. If someone asks for proof from other people, that person claims that it is possible and obligatory which is only an assumption that does not affect the truth.

In that case, the burden of proof is borne by the person requesting the proof. That person must make the request for evidence valid otherwise he/she has no right to set conditions.

There are many things in life that are impossible to prove except through subjective experience.

Therefore, many philosophical expressions (I believe atheistic) such as atheism, burden of proof, ad hominem, strawman fallacy, logical fallacy, begging the question and many others are pure fallacies because they do not have truth (knowledge) as a starting point, but only opinion, where it is absurd to set rules and definitions for such situations when you know nothing and only assume.

If is not clear to someone, the one setting the conditions has no knowledge, so any rule he claims someone needs to prove to him has no validity in many cases. Therefore, each of these definitions of waste.




Belief in the rule of evidence is one of the biggest misconceptions of today.

This rule is confirmed every day as uncertain and yet people still believe in this rule.

That’s what marketing does, not reason. Believing in the served delusion without critical thinking and without accepting what is happening in reality.




The only immutable fact is that facts are changeable and the only real evidence is that the evidences are states that do not yield certain knowledge and truth.

The theory of facts and evidence falls apart even more easily when we realize that a biased, limited and ignorant mind must process them.

So what are we left with?

We are left with a personal, conscious experience that must be assimilated and accepted.

What’s the best thing about it?

You have no false intermediary in the form of facts and evidence.


This is proof that the theory of evolution may have facts and evidence, but no knowledge and truth, because there is no personal experience or knowledge.

Simply put, the theory of evolution is a belief based on belief in limited facts and evidence. It is a double belief, and it is already a superstition.

The lesson is:

Believe in yourself, God, your life and your experience.

We have just proved that knowledge also requires faith. Do not be ashamed of your faith even if you have no knowledge, because faith is knowledge in the future. Faith is the precursor of knowledge and then became knowledge.




There are many definitions of different logical fallacies in philosophy.

What many philosophers do not yet understand is the fact that an ignorant person cannot determine what a logical fallacy is.

I can easily explain this on the example of an atheist.

Many people have come to know God. A man who has realized God has the right to claim that atheism, which claims that God does not exist and that no one has proven God, is a logical fallacy.

An atheist who has no knowledge of God has no right to claim that no one has known God based on the delusion that one needs to prove the existence of God on the material plane.

If you were to ask for the existence of someone’s love or your thoughts to be materially proven, it would be a logical fallacy, wouldn’t it?

This is proof that atheism is a proven logical fallacy.

Therefore, any claim that God does not exist and that no one has proven God is false and a logical fallacy.




Philosophy will never gain true knowledge until spiritual teachings are conducted on a subjective experiential level.

This is also the reason why philosophy has never found the truth, but deals with wandering in the mind and looking for holes in assertions and statements that have no support in real life.

This is the reason why metaphysics has failed, and therefore the whole of philosophy. Rejecting the spiritual and acknowledging the mental and material is self–limitation. It is the rejection of self and life and the acceptance of mind, thought and matter. You can come up with anything in your mind, but it all remains in the limited mind as a thought without experiential knowledge, which does not represent a general truth but only a thought.

Philosophy must come out of the mind.

The whole philosophy so far is based on the fantasy “as someone nicely and cleverly said it”.

However, there is no real truth in philosophy. In some parts of philosophy, the goal is determined, but the method and direction are not. This is only found in religions and spiritual teachings.

It is because of the focus on the mind. Metaphysicians quite naively came to the conclusion that the primary cause cannot be known, which is a wrong assumption.

From that error comes all the ignorance of philosophy.

God as the primary cause, sustainer, means and goal is attainable, but cannot be grasped by the mind.

The mind is a creation and the mind is limited and mortal.

Soul and consciousness are not.


The fallacy of philosophy is reflected in the fact that many want to separate knowledge from God, which is absurd because God is knowledge, truth and freedom. It’s like trying to separate a child from its mother’s womb.

Knowledge about God is basic knowledge on the basis of which you get conclusive knowledge (it is not wandering and wrong).




Many people accuse me of using the words “evidence” or “fact” lightly because they have no experiential knowledge of it and believe that it is not objective evidence. However, it is only man’s forgetfulness to recognize wondrous truths in a simple way.

Here’s a simple one:

The fact that man can live without an arm or a leg is proof that we are not a body but a God–soul who uses the body to experience life on planet Earth and reach truth, knowledge and superconsciousness.

Someone will say that it is not evidence, but they will not be right because they just do not recognize evidence from ignorance, and that ignorance is caused by belief in objective evidence.

But what is objective evidence? These are established misconceptions about creation. And creation is a consequence. When looking at the effects, the cause remains unrecognizable. And the cause is literally everything and every person is capable of knowing God. It is the most wonderful law and gift from God to us.


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