Contemporary spirituality is experiencing complete banalization.

The differences between good and evil, truth and untruth, correctness and incorrectness, knowledge and ignorance are erased.

Everything is thrown into the same basket.

People try to push God out of spirituality as well. People want to replace God with Creation and God’s attributes. By perfecting the attributes we attain God. Yet God is a living, omnipotent, impersonal entity. God is not an attribute. More precisely, God assigned perfect attributes to himself (he could not do otherwise) as the perfect ruler of the Universe. In that way, the universe is just and safe, perfect.

Avoiding God is the result of man’s inner injuries.

So what’s good here?

In the sea of ​​ignorance, some truth is found.

Still, even that is much better than when the truth is forbidden.

While the transformation continues, ignorance reigns.

Good luck!




When you hide the truth from other people, you judge those people.

How and why?

A man who does not know the truth lives in ignorance.

Man does evil deeds out of ignorance.

A person who does wrong and evil deeds gets suffering and misfortune.

This reminds me of the story of the snake that the Guru told not to bite. After some time, when he saw snake beaten, the snake told him that she not bite and that people mistreat her.

Guru said: – I told you not to bite, not to not hiss.

In relation to our topic: you don’t need to punish people, but it is your duty to tell the truth and spread knowledge. And the truth is always unpleasant and bitter for those who do not live it.

The lesson is:

As much as your spiritual knowledge, so are your good deeds, and so is your karma.

Therefore, never confuse spiritual knowledge with worldly knowledge. Science is responsible for secular knowledge.

Spiritual knowledge knows God, love, morality and right action.




Once knowledge was valued, today opinion is valued.

What does that mean?

One of the negative aspects of modern spirituality is that hardly anyone knows what spirituality is.

Magnificent truths are described in religions. The modern spiritualist proclaims religion as dogma while at the same time believing in lion portals and fifth dimensions.

What is this about?

A spiritual charlatan is a man who does not understand that spirituality is the pursuit of God, that God is a perfectly attainable entity, and that God is perfectly merciful and just.

Natural learning: There is nothing worse than an ignorant person setting the rules for you in spirituality.

That is why modern spirituality is in many ways ridiculous (if it can be called spirituality at all).

The lesson is:

If you don’t know ask the one who knows and follow him.

It’s not a shame.

It’s a shame when you don’t know, but you set the rules and pretend you do.

More precisely, the rule that you should respect everyone’s opinion was created to avoid conflicts, and not to respect your own and other people’s ignorance and wrong thinking and actions through false sanctity.

It is pure tyranny of the human mind and has nothing to do with spirituality.




Should we ditch all textbooks and let children learn everything on their own from scratch?

There is a statement that says:

– Some have bad luck and some have a spiritual teacher. You can’t have both.

A spiritual master is the same as a billionaire in the physical world. If he likes you, he gives you everything you need.

At this point I have two questions:

  1. Is truth a dogma and does that mean that a teaching that leads to a goal is a dogma?
  2. Is being burdened with the right that you can have the wrong opinion and that you can go the wrong way in reality a dogma towards yourself?




If the Universe is the image, God is the content (of course, the analogy is not perfect, but it makes the point).

Because of access to content, there are many religions and spiritual teachings.

This means that many religions are correct in their own way.

Bigotry towards any religion due to misunderstanding of scriptures could not be called spirituality, could it?





I often feel the need to emphasize that from a worldly point of view God is not energy.

Many people say that God is energy without any good explanation.

God created energy, vibration and frequency. Then people say that the soul is energy that vibrates at a certain high frequency.

We can solve this misconception with the following statement:

– Man is God, but God is not man.

Explain this truth in any practical way.




Religious intolerance is ignorance.

What does that mean?

Religion is the way to God. Contemporary spirituality should be a path to God otherwise it is not true spirituality.

I can prove it very easily.

In religions there are basic universal truths. Based on those truths, many people have attained God.

Any man who wanted to change the meaning and purpose of Creation had to face his own delusion and declare his own failure.

Therefore, there are always many more people who would rather wander after their own desires and delusions than seek for God.

That’s why most people don’t like religion. Even many members of religions who were born there hate their own religion.

What happened in the not so distant past?

A philosophy was created.

What is characteristic of many philosophers?

It is characteristic that they worship the mind, therefore they also worship intelligence and logic. Throughout time philosophers have given many intelligent sayings but no philosopher has found God. The reason is that due to the worship of the mind, the knowledge of God was abandoned, so religions and God were thrown out of philosophy. And what can philosophy know and a man who does not know who he is, what God is and where he is going?

Today’s modern spirituality tries to explain to us that each of us has a special relationship with God, which is very good because it is true. However, in the very next moment, modern clergymen show that they do not know what spirituality is and do not know how to build a relationship with God.

This means that modern spiritualists are trying to return to the level of caveman consciousness. Rejecting the knowledge of God and the way to God is exactly that.

Imagine a contemporary cleric denigrating the work of a Jesus or Buddha or almighty Allah? So what can that man know and what kind of enlightenment can that man have?


Religions will not be extinguished for the simple reason that there are many members of religions and because it is ridiculous for a person to think that he will destroy God and the truth with desire and marketing, and still believe that in this way he will save himself and humanity.

Here I will point out another funny thing. Modern clergy claim to have their own relationship with God that religious people don’t?

The statement that spirituality is faith in one’s own experience and that religion is faith in someone else’s experience is precisely a fallacy.

By believing in someone else’s true experience, you gain your own experience. A modern clergyman who has no experience of God has a lack of experience.

So lack of experience is not experience, and not being aware of God is not your conscious relationship with God even though the relationship exists.




Discerning good and evil is a very high spiritual discipline.

Many spiritualists today mistakenly call this discipline a judging.

Judging is when you punish someone. When you evaluate, for example, a certain behavior, it is not a judgment but a teaching of common sense.

For example, if I say that smoking is very harmful, I have not condemned anyone, but stated the truth and manifested knowledge. To say that I judge smokers for this statement is an exaggeration.

Why is this important?

False kindness counts as hidden violence.

When you try to reject evil and violence from yourself and someone does not allow you to discover correct behavior under the explanation that everyone has the right to think and do what they want and that it is none of your business, such a person does violence to society and prevents the victory over ignorance.

So, if you don’t know the difference between good and evil, how will you progress spiritually and how will you gain knowledge and truth?

Where is the morality?

The lesson is:

Do not fall for false holiness and false goodness because you will suffer great damage on the inner plane.


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